Monday, July 8, 2013

Just Be With Me

The sky was exploding
and we could feel it in our bones
as billions of volts burst from the clouds
we could feel the ground   Q   A  E  as it struck the   l a n d
                                                          U   K 

We were born for nights              like this—
after the sun   p u  l    l        s    it’s lover from the

l a k e s, r i v e r s and o c e a n s,

d  r    a        g                s

her across the desert
he ignores her as she turns into a Cumulonimbus

She   c r i e  s           r  a  i    n
       c  r  i  e    s      r   a       i  n
           c r i e  s         r a i n
        c   r   i  e   s    r a    i      n

onto our ciTy on the fifth of July—
to take off our clothes and w a l k as we should
to let our hair get w e t and our toes turn to prunes.
To bask in our infinitely small importance.
To feel our skin turn to wet cotton.

Her static charges explode from the sky
and it lights your face,
It reflects off your teeth,
it turns your skin purple.

Your favorite part is the s o u n d, the resounding B O O M,
It absorbs you, it surrounds you

Two days ago, we sat in the grass and saw explosions  across the V          Y
                                                                                                                                                            A    E
it turned your skin from white to red to green to blue to purple to red to pink to red to green to orange to red to blue
and I saw your hair go from brown to white and crows-feet at the corners of your eyes and wrinkles by your mouth,  you were still beautiful. And the s o u n d was still your favorite part, every explosion every B O O M just like words from ME to YOU, enveloping you, surrounding you, absorbing you,
as I   F
       L    in love with you over and over again,
these explosions in the sky, the static charge bursting from the clouds like these works of gunpowder and fire,  reminding you, that we are infinitely unimportant to this universe, yet I would choose YOU, over it any day.


  1. "To bask in our infinitely small importance."

    This is my favorite line of ever at this moment.

  2. I think I stole it (or something like it) from either Matt Davis or Kyle Somer,I can't seem to remember.

  3. "We were born for nights like this"

    I love it.
